There are a number of sayings about left-handers: some positive, some negative. Let us know about any others you have heard.
It is generally accepted that the hand you write with defines your handedness. However, many people use their other hand for other major activities, such as throwing a ball or batting.
Left-handed children are not being taught left-handed skills and we are taking a stand.
Many parents have great difficulties knowing how to help their left-handed children, especially during their early developmental years.
We offer you the best range of left-handed products in Australia. In fact, we have the world's biggest range of left-handed products in stock and ready to send.
There are a number of great web sites around the world that focus on various aspects of left-handedness. Some are big, others small. Some serious, some fun. Some general, some specific. We do not endorse any of them nor do we necessarily agree with them either.
Anyway, here are some that we liked:
5 Essential Works for Left Hand Piano – A wonderful page including a Ravel work by Paul Wittgenstein, a concert pianist who lost his right arm in WW1.
Gauche! Left Handers in Society – A great resource site with comments that will be useful for parents, teachers and all left-handers.
The world’s more left-handed than we think – An article from the ABC’s Science site discussing some recent research on left-handedness.
Teaching Left-Handers to Write – A good web site by Dr M.K. Holder introducing some basic concepts in helping the left-handed child in the early days of learning to write.
We’ll keep searching for more links, but contact us if you find any we should have a look at.